10 Ideas for creating a self-care routine and sticking to it!
I think it’s important to first note, self-care looks a little different to everyone. What fills my cup, might not fill yours. Sometimes, I also might need more or less time away from EVERYONE IN MY HOUSE, while others might never want to be away. It’s all OK! Do what is best for you and provides you with rest, breathable space, and hopefully fills you up enough to recharge your mind and body!
Create some dedicated time to yourself, maybe it’s only an hour, maybe twenty-four- but make sure you are leaving room to be free from electronics, people, email, checking your phone, etc. so that you can have uninterrupted time, if possible. Now, first step, BREATHE. 😉
Here are some fun ideas and tips on creating a self-care routine of your own. And note: I am SO not good at actually resting, so these are newer (or have been re-ignited) to me in some ways. I typically prefer to be with people or going around making plans, but I’ve learned in this season just how important it is to let our minds and bodies take a break!
1. Meditate. Inhale deeply, exhale deeply. Stretch your body. Do a workout if you’re up for it, but if you’re not, dedicate at least 15-20 minutes to stretch and move. There are a million FREE apps out there but Down Dog (yoga app) has great instructions and easy movements that you can do even in your bedroom. Commit to just breathing in and out and feeling your body move around.
2. Start a journal. When I was a kid up until I was newly engaged, I journaled all the time. Mostly, it was writing out my thoughts and ideas and prayers, and sometimes reading back and seeing where I was or what God had answered (and maybe not answered) was incredible. Trust me, there is something so therapeutic about writing your life down, memories, prayers, ideas, just for yourself. It’s also a great continued reminder of God’s goodness and fulfilled promises when you are consciously writing them out and seeing your life unfold through words. Also, try to recognize patterns in your thoughts that you see in your writing and then tend to those emotions!
3. Beauty Routine. This seems simple enough, but really, taking time to do little things for yourself that make you (and no one else) feel better is enriching! For me, that looks like taking a bubble bath with a delicious bath bomb or adding way too many bubbles into the jets like I am just a giant kid. Because let’s be honest, that’s what I feel like most of the time. Giving myself a mani-pedi in a fun color and to be fair, I used to get grounded to my room a lot growing up so I am SO GOOD at this! 😉 HA! Face masks and eye patches are perfect for when in your in the bath too and throw on some good tunes and you have yourself a party!
4. Create to create. Anything at all, just create something for you. I hear it all the time from my friends, “I’m just not creative enough to….” and y’all, listen up! YOU ARE CREATIVE. We are all creative in our own ways, and in multiple ways. So, stop limiting yourself based on this absurd belief! Every one of us has insane talents, so create just for you. Paint something. Grow something. Write something. Set up a mini photo shoot with your iPhone, take a walk in nature and try to create a bouquet of flowers, watch a youtube video and learn a new song on the guitar, you get the picture! Just do it for you!
5. Dream. This might go with the previous one, but one I love so much! Take some time to create a vision board. Allow yourself to dream and think BIG! Go through magazines or Pinterest or whatever you have laying around and cut out or print and paste those suckers you’re dreaming of onto a page or poster board. Don’t get caught up in anything other than pulling things that pull at your heart. Create your vision!
6. Practice Gratitude. If you only do this once a week, then work up to implement this routine daily, but write down 5 things every day that you are grateful for. Maybe this list repeats for a while, but verbalizing every day what you are grateful for will help re-wire your brain to BE grateful for even more! The more you practice it, the easier it becomes!
7. Declutter (at least one area of your house). You know when everything looks clean in your kitchen but you KNOW that one drawer (or if you’re like me, the 5 drawers) is full of messy papers and junk and so mentally, you feel like nothing is clean because you think of that drawer? Clean it out, clear it out, and give your brain the AHhh-HAaa, everything really is clean feeling.
8. Go for a nature walk. I do this with my kids periodically but do it just for you. Spot things in nature you love, smell the flowers, and the grass. Lay down and find shapes in the clouds. Watch the birds. Don’t bring your phone, just be for a little bit in God’s creation and let nature in. Pray, smile, listen to music, and enjoy!
9. Read. Pick up a good book and read it. Then bookmark if you don’t finish and pick it up again when you have more moments to yourself. Make a pact with yourself that you will read “x” amount of books and write down when you finish one and then, start the new good read!
10. Date night for ONE. Wine and a movie. Grab a yummy glass of vino (or sparkling water) and rent that movie you have always wanted to see. Or re-watch Pretty Woman for the 6 millionth time, I’m not here to judge! Maybe a new romantic comedy or thrilling drama, but just you, curl up and relax. Oh, and maybe add some dark-chocolate in there I’m just saying, it’s good for your soul! 😉
Shop my self-care essentials below: